Monday, 20 July 2015


A lodge was robbed clean at Eziobodo two nights ago. At about the same time hostel C was robbed last night. Series of cell phones and laptops were taken as the gunmen *just two o'them* fired shots in the air to scare the hostel girls who were alleged to have been charging their electronic gadgets outside where an election candidate had improvised a means of power due to the absence of electric power in the hostel for three days.
It was reported that they had broken in through the side gate at first and robbed the in-house provision shop. The young girl selling said she was slapped repeatedly and all the money with her taken. They took a lot loaves of bread also, according to her.
They went back outside and started to shoot.
Students scampered for safety while trying to equally pick up their cell phones. A girl was shot at the waist and was rushed to the sch. medic.
An eye witness confirmed that a girl in room 318 was called on the phone and asked to come and take her stuff if any was plugged outside.
A victim of the robbery reported that she sighted her phone and ran to take it without thinking as one of the gunmen faced her and released a bullet on her forehead. At the moment, her leg slipped as she stepped on a phone thereby reducing her height and the bullet went past her head to the mirror behind which was shattered immediately.
Not until the military unit and Man O'War personnel stepped in did the robbers run with the gana-must-go bags full of stolen goods.
Girls became angry and banned passage of boys and men, including bike. They even went ahead to shout to any girl they see with a boy to leave him that he'd rob her. They were so convinced that it was one of the boys that come around there that attacked them. Girls were grateful for the 24-hour curfew placed on the hostel. 'Otherwise, we're finished' said one of them.

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