Thursday, 9 July 2015


 the 8th of july 2015 was a dramatic day for the Members of the legislative arm of the students union.

The 6th ordinary sitting of the S.R.C had a bill of 22million for the functionality of the SUG executives passed.

There were counter motions and interruption of the sitting by the Man O War.

The straw that broke the Carmel's back was when the honorable representing F.M.T constituency moved a motion for the impromptu impeachment of the speaker of the house with 2/3 of the signatures of the members of the house of credibility.

The chief whip asked the speaker to move out of the chamber and a great commotion erupted in the house.

After several minutes the deputy speaker now passed the motion for the impeachment of the speaker as agreed by the honorable members.

Credit: The Infoscope Futo

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