Candidates who chose Federal University of Technology, Owerri as choice university in the 2015 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME), are hereby invited to a Screening Exercise, provided the names of such candidates are on the list submitted to the university by JAMB. This means that some candidates, who chose FUTO as choice university, will not be eligible to participate in the screening exercise. The reason is purely and solely because JAMB has not shortlisted such candidates in the list sent to FUTO. Consequently, intending applicants are expected to first login to to ascertain their eligibility to participate in 2015/2016 FUTO POST-UTME Screening Exercise, based on the list JAMB sent to FUTO
The Screening Exercise
v The 2015/2016 FUTO POST-UTME Screening Exercise shall be conducted using Computer Based Testing (CBT)
v The venue for the exercise is ICT Centre, FUTO, Owerri
v Specific date and time for screening are as specified on candidate’s PUTME Online Slip
v Any candidate who is one (1) hour late would not be allowed to participate in the screening exercise.
v GSM phones, Calculators and other electronic devices are not allowed into the venue.
v Candidates for screening should come with the following
Ø UTME Result Slip
Ø PUTME Online Slip
Ø E-Tranzact or evidence of Payment Slip used for online application
Closing Date for Online Application
The application portal will close for 2015/2016 FUTO POST-UTME Screening Exercise applications by midnight of Friday, August 07, 2015
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