Wednesday, 8 July 2015



Samuel C. Iwuji

Lecturer of Health Sciences and Technology
Contact Information
Department of Biomedical Technology Block, FUTO
  • B.Sc., 2001, Human Physiology, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria.
  • M.Sc., 2003, Pharmacology, University of Lagos, Nigeria.
  • M.Sc., 2010, Human Physiology, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria.
Professional Qualifications
Research Interests
Human Physiology and Safety Technologies
Teaching and Professional Experience
Human Physiology, Pharmacology/Toxicology and Safety
Professional Experience
  • Departmental Examination Officer, 2005
  • Departmental Time Table Officer, 2005
  • Member, academic programmes development committees
  • Member, undergraduate and postgraduate studies committees
  • Staff Adviser to Students’ Bodies in the Department, 2005
  • Member and State Coordinator, Nigerian Institute for Biomedical Engineering (NIBE), affiliated to International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering (IFMBE).
  • Resource person, Centre for Continuing Education, FUTO.
  • Resource person/consultant, Environmental Health Officers Registration Council of Nigeria (EHORECON).
  • Resource person, NIBE professional courses.
  • Guest lecturer, School of Nursing, Mbano Imo State.
S. C. Iwuji is a growing Human Physiologist and licensed Environmental Health Officer with advanced professional certificates in Public Health; Environmental Health; Science Laboratory Technology and Biomedical Engineering, in addition to Masters degree in Human Physiology and Pharmacology.
His research innovation is concerned with ensuring physiological safety by the control of environmental factors that may influence human body functions, particularly in the developing world.
His works included comparative studies on the effectiveness of some indigenous insecticides in the control of malaria; the effects and safety of some indigenous herbs and physiological applications in biomedical engineering. His research products are very useful to health practitioners, researchers and industries. He is carrying out interventional studies to control ravaging diseases, e.g. diabetes, in tropical countries using indigenous technologies
  • (i)Ofuya, Z.M. and Iwuji, S.C. (2002). The Growth Pattern of Infants (0-12 Months) In a Rural area of River State, Nigeria. J. Appl. Sci. Environ. Mgt. 6 (1) 87-90.
  • (i)S.C. Iwuji, K. I. Nkuma-Udah, G.O. Adeoye, N.G. Iwuji, G. C. Iwueke and I. M. Siminialayi (2010). Insecticidal Efficacy of Lambdacyhalothrin, Cyfluthrin, Citrus Sp. Peel oil And Platostoma Sp. Leaf Extract on Anopheles Mosquitoes. Intl. J. Nat. & Appl. Sc.6 (3): 317-320.
  • (i)Iwuji, S.C., Ekeh, N.G., Agbaje, E.O. and Siminialayi, I. M. (2009). Hepatic Safety of Enantia chlorantha used as Antimalarial: An Animal Study. Afr. J. Med. Phy. Biomed. Engr. & Sc. 1, 71 – 74.
  • (i)Iwuji, S. C., Nwafor, A., Adienbo, O. M., Egwurugwu, J., Iwuji, N.G. and Oodo, O.M. (2010). Hypoglycaemic Potential of Aqueous Leaf Extract of Vernonia amygdalina: An animal study. Afr. J. Med. Phy., Biomed. Eng. & Sc. 2: 9 – 13.
  • (i)Iwuji, S. C., Nkuma-Udah, K.I., Onwuchekwa, A. I., Onuoha, C. K., Osuji, H.A. and Okoye, G. C. (2010). Design of a Digital Cardiotachometer. Afr. J. Med. Phy. Biomed. Engr. & Sc.2: 134-137.
  • (i)Adienbo, O.M, Nwafor, A. and Iwuji, S. (2011). Effects Of Aqueous Fruit Extract Of Xylopia Aethiopica On Reproductive Hormones In Male Guinea Pigs. Global J. Pure & Appl. Sc. 17. (2): 137-139.
  • (i)J. N. Egwurugwu, N. N. Obaji, C. S.Ufearo, O. J. Olorunfemi, O. M. Adienbo, R. C. Uchefuna, S.C. Iwuji, B. Chinko, And E. Akpan (2009). The Effects Of Crude Extracts Of Pterocarpus Soyauxii On The Hematology Of Albino Wistar Rats. Intl J. Nat. & Appl. Sc. 5 (4): 361-364.
  • (n)Iwuji, S.C., Ekeh, N.G and Agbaje, E.O. (2007). Haematological Effects of Antimalarial Enantia chlorantha Using Animal Model. J. Med. Res. Tech. 4. (2).
  • (n)Ekeh, N.G., Adeoye, G.O. and Iwuji, S.C. (2008). Insecticidal effectiveness of pyrethroids and orange peels for malarial vector control. J. Med. Res. Tech. 5 (1): 3-8.
  • (so)J.N. Egwurugwu, A. Nwafor, C.P.R.Chike, C.S. Ufearo, R.C. Uchefuna, S.C. Iwuji, J.E. Okwara and E.A.Alagwu (2011). The relationship between body mass index, semen and sex hormones in adult males. Nig. J. Physiol. Sc. 26 (1): 29-34.
  • (sc)Iwuji, S.C., Adeoye, G.O., Iwuji, N.G., Lamina, S., Opara, K.N. and Iwueke, G.C. (2010). Comparison of the Knock down Effects of Citrus sp. And Platostoma sp. Extracts For Safer Malarial Vector Control. J. Health Sc. & Tech. 1: 17-22.
  • (sc)Azeez, T.O., Lamina, S and Iwuji, S.C. (2010). Correlation of cardio-respiratory fitness and gait parameters of young undergraduate subjects. J. Health Sc. & Tech.1: 140-146.


Azeez Taofik Oladimeji

Lecturer II of Biomedical Technology Department
Contact Information
SOSC Extension Building
  • B. Tech., 2001, Chemical Engineering, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso
  • M. Eng. , 2008, Chemical Engineering, University of Benin, Benin City
  • Ph.D., In-view, Chemical Engineering, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka
Professional Qualifications
Research Interests
  • Biomechanics
  • Biochemical Reaction Kinetics and Transport Phenomena
  • Polymer composites
Teaching and Professional Experience
  • Biomechanics
  • Thermofluids
  • Biomedical Devices Design and Fabrication processes
  • Bioengineering Materials
  • Biomedical Informatics
Professional Experience
  • Electoral Member of NUESA (LAUTECH CHAPTER) 1999-2000
  • Secretary Trust Committee of NUESA (LAUTECH CHAPTER) 1998-1999
  • Parliamentarian of NUESA (LAUTECH CHAPTER) 1998-1999
  • Parliamentarian of SUG (LAUTECH) 1998-1999
  • Member, Nigerian Society of Engineers (MNSE) “22769” 2010
  • Member, Nigerian Society of Chemical Engineers (MNSChE) 2011
  • Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN), Registered Engineer 2010
As a result of limitation arising from the expensive nature of the physical and chemical processes in liberating the environment from the danger posed by contaminants to humans through an increase biochemical oxygen demand (BOD). Engr. Azeez’s research concerned with the statistical and quantification of biodegradation as a bioremediation technique and the development of the transport model during biodegradation and treatment of the contaminants in which many factors such as effect of aerated condition, pH, initial concentration of the contaminants, accessibility and availability of the microbes were to be considered for safety of environments from threat that might be posed by contaminants to humans. Due to rate of consumption of oxygen and gait of individual influenced the cardiorespiratory fitness of individual, walking and exercise of the people irrespective of their state of health. Engr. Azeez concerned with quantification of rate of the oxygen consumption (VO2 max) and gait parameters such as stride length, step length, step time, cadence and gait speed in correlation with level of cardiorespiratory fitness and the effects on the pattern of walking, exercise and healthy condition of individual subjects. World today has become polymeric in nature because of high demand of polymer products and applications due to its availability and cost of production but service life of polymer composites and products cannot be compared with many materials such as ceramics, metals etc. Therefore, there is need to improve the service life and quality of the polymer composites and products. The current research of Engr. Azeez’s based on reinforcement of polymers with natural fibers due to its promising nature and available in the environment so as to develop a model to improve the quality of the fibers reinforced polymers composites and products by the chemical, physical and mechanical analysis of the effects of both treated and untreated natural fibers for the purpose of improve health care delivery.
  • C. N. Owabor, S. E. Agarry and T. O. Azeez, “Development of a Transport Model for the Microbial Degradation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in a Saturated Porous Medium,” Journal of the Nigerian Association of Mathematical Physics, Vol.16, (2010), pp. 317-324.
  • T. O. Azeez, S. Lamina and S.C. Iwuji, “Correlates of Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Gait parameters in young Undergraduate Subjects,” Journal of Health Science and Technology, Vol. 1, (2010), pp. 140-146.
  • S. Lamina, T.O. Azeez, M. Subramanian and A. M. Ayana, “Ergogenic controversies of socio-cultural African herbs: A review study on Khat (Catha edulis) and Cola nut (Cola spp),” Journal of Health Science and Technology, Vol. 1, (2010), pp. 68-78.
  • S. Lamina, D. I. Musa, S. Hanif and T.O. Azeez, “Exercise and Pregnancy: A review study,” Journal of Health Sciences and Technology. Vol. 1, (2010), pp. 55-62.
  • T. O. Azeez, “Kinetics of Microbial Production of 2, 3-Butanediol from Cheese Whey Using Klebsiella Pneumonia,” International Journal of Bioscience, Biochemistry and Bioinformatics Engineering (IJBBB). Vol. 1, No. 3, (2011), pp. 177-183.
  • T. O. Azeez, C. N. Owabor, K. A. Salam and R. Nwacha, “Degradation of Anthracene by the activity of corynebacteria sp and pseudomonas putida in soil sediment,”. Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2011, (In-press).
  • T. O. Azeez, “Biodegradation of Pyrene Using Corynebacteria sp and Pseudomonas Putida in Soil Sediment,” International Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2011, (In-press).


Kennedy O. Ejeta

Lecturer, Bioengineering and Biomaterial Technology
Contact Information
MBT Dept. SOSC Ext. Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Nigeria
  • B.Sc(Hons) 1994, Biochemistry, University of Calabar, Calabar Nigeria.
  • PGD 2005, Chemical Engineering, University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria
  • M.Eng 2007, Chemical Engineering, University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria
Professional Qualifications
Research Interests
  • Design and fabrication of biomedical devices
  • Developing novel products for regenerative medicine
  • Intellectual property development
Teaching and Professional Experience
Professional Experience
  • Quality Assurance Officer 1995
  • Research officer 1996 – 2000
  • Project Officer 2007 -2009
  • Member of the NIBE, NSChE, NSE
The Bachelor of Technology in Biomeidcal Technology is designed to expose students to broad areas of the basic biological, medical and physical sciences and engineering concepts and techniques in addition to applied Biomaterials, Safety, Clinical and Rehabilitation Engineering and Technologies. Engineer Ejeta K.O. teaches students application of engineering principles in biological systems with research interest on design of biomedical devices and fabrication of biomimetic nano-fabrous scaffolds for biomedical application.
  • K. O. Ejeta and R. O. Ebewele “Development of Heavy Duty Liquid Detergent by combining Binary Mixture of Surfactants and Addictives in the same formulation, “Proceedings of the 2008 NSChE conference on Chemical Engineering and the actualization of the Nigerian vision 2020, October, 2008.
  • K. O. Ejeta et al , “Design and Fabrication of a cost Effective Domestic Autoclave in a Developing Economy”, African J. Med. Phys. And Biomed Eng. Vol3, (2011).
  • K. O. Ejeta et al “Design and Fabrication of a low cost-High performance Nebulizer, “ Proceedings of the 2011 NIBE Conference on Biomedical engineering and Technology in Nigeria, Novenber 2011.
  • K. O. Ejeta et al “ Design and Fabrication of an Ultraviolet (Uv) Radiation Disinfection System for Domestic water Treatment, “Paper for ninth IASTED Conference on Biomedical engineering (Biomed 2012).

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