Candidates who chose Federal University of Technology, Owerri as choice university in the 2015 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME), are hereby invited to a Screening Exercise, provided the names of such candidates are on the list submitted to the university by JAMB. This means that some candidates, who chose FUTO as choice university, will not be eligible to participate in the screening exercise. The reason is purely and solely because JAMB has not shortlisted such candidates in the list sent to FUTO. Consequently, intending applicants are expected to first login to ascertain their eligibility to participate in 2015/2016 FUTO POST-UTME Screening Exercise, based on the list JAMB sent to FUTO.
Screening Time Table
Petroleum Engineering (PET)
Monday, August 10, 2015
Chemical Engineering (CHE)
Civil Engineering (CIE)
Agricultural Engineering (AGE)
Elect/Elect Engineering (EEE)
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
Mechanical Engineering (MEE)
Materials/Metallurgical Engineering (MME)
Food Science Technology (FST)
School of Physical Sciences (SOPS)
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
Biomedical Technology (BMT)
Optometry (OPT)
School of Management Technology (SMAT)
Thursday, August 13, 2015
Public Health Technology (PHT)
Prosthesis and Orthopedics Technology (POT)
Polymer and Textile Engineering (PTE)
Friday, August 14, 2015
School of Environmental Technology (SOET)
School of Biological Sciences (SOBS)
School of Agric/Agric Technology (SAAT)
Method of Application
[A] Sign-up
Ø Log on to
Ø Click on Sign-up from the login section
Ø Fill Sign-up form
Ø Log into your email address to activate your account
[B] Applications
Ø Enter your login details to access the portal
Ø Click on Apply link on the Application Form
Ø Validate Registration Number by entering your UTME Reg. No in the text box
Ø Click “Show Result” tab
Ø Click “Continue”
Ø Click on “Print Invoice”
Ø Proceed to the Bank to make payment
Note: Eligible candidates should pay the sum of Two Thousand Naira (N2,000=) only, excluding switch fee at any branch of any of the following banks in the country:
(1) FUTO Microfinance Bank
(2) First Bank Nigeria
(3) Diamond Bank
(4) UBA
(5) FCMB
Ø Re-visit the Apply Portal
Ø Login with your account details
Ø Click Resume button on “My Saved Applications”
Ø Fill the Biodata Form
Ø Upload your passport photograph (photo size should not be more than 64kb in jpeg or gif format). Ensure you upload your true and recent photograph, since the university would make subsequent use of the photograph for successful candidates without the opportunity of changing it until after matriculation.
Ø Supply your O’Level result details
Ø Submit and Print Application Form
[C] Edit Application (Saved Application Form)
Ø Enter your login details to access the
Ø Click on “Resume” under “My Saved Applications” to edit
[D] Edit Application (Submitted Application Form)
Ø Enter your login details to access the
Ø Click on “Preview” under “My Saved Applications” to edit
The Screening Exercise
Ø The 2015/2016 FUTO POST-UTME Screening Exercise shall be conducted using Computer Based Testing (CBT)
Ø The venue for the exercise is ICT Centre, FUTO, Owerri
Ø Specific date and time for screening are as specified on candidate’s PUTME Online Slip
Ø Any candidate who is one (1) hour late would not be allowed to participate in the screening exercise.
Ø GSM phones, Calculators and other electronic devices are not allowed into the venue.
Ø Candidates for screening should come with the following
· UTME Result Slip
· PUTME Online Slip
· E-Tranzact or evidence of Payment Slip used for online application
Closing Date for Online Application
The application portal will close for 2015/2016 FUTO POST-UTME Screening Exercise applications by midnight of Friday, August 07, 2015
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