Sunday, 26 July 2015



The Kidnapped Head of Department of
Information Management Technology FUTO has
been released by the hoodlums who abducted her within the hours 1:00 am on Monday 20th July, 2015.

Dr (Mrs). Felicia U. Eze was released after her
family paid a ransom. She was released on
Thursday night by her abductors although the
exact amount that was paid has been  disclosed.

Information within the time she was in the net of the hoodlums had it that the abductors demanded a ransom of N20 million naira and later slashed the “price” to N5 million when they did not see any response.

The students of the department of IMT and the whole of FUTO are happy that Dr. Mrs. F.U. Eze who is one of the best HODs of the institution returned from this deadly zone unhurt.

Saturday, 25 July 2015


Always ready to represent the Department anywhere,  our very own Mr BMT,  Udenenwu Daniel A.k.a Evolution and 1st runner up Otuneme Tobechukwu Praise A.k.a Mc Toothpick are amongst the contenders for the ongoing Mr and Miss Futo 2015 pageantry. 

The event which is scheduled to hold on Friday 7th of August is surely something that everyone is talking about now.. 
Hosted by the current SUG DOSocials Aluta Slopy, the competition looks tight as all contestants are putting on their best to emerge.. 

Pls ooooo,  we'd need all the support we can get in anyway  to push us to the peak... (Us being Mr Bmt and I)..

Let's come out en mass to support our own on that night...  More  information about the event would be communicated soon...

Our NAHEST our own !
NABTES.... !!  Please lets project each other

Our pictures below

MEET OUR 2015/2016 MR & MISS BMT

Mr: Udenenwu Daniel. C
Bmt 100L
State of origin: Imo State

Miss: Ave Maria Melah
Bmt 100L
State of origin: Imo State


Mary Clare Akuana..
Has a good dress sense and knows how to combine clothings in terms of colours and mixmatch...

Being  accessed for the week by her  coursemates,  she is seen asthe best dressed female 100L student in BMT


As we all know,  there's unity in oneness... 

Obim Florence is one of us,  BMT 300l with a great zeal and full of virtue. Maybe this is what inspired the slogan "Virtuous Paragon"..

Known for determination and commitment, one could say that Obim is the right person for the coveted post of the" Vice President" of the Student Union Government. 

Let us prove to the world that something good can come out from bmt even as we are being looked down upon politically in Futo.

Let's join hands together to push one of ours forward...  NABTES


Name:                 Chuu - U. Margaret 
Dept:                   BMT
Level:                 100L
Birthday :           5th October 
Birthplace:         Imo state
State of origin:  Imo State 
Fav Food:          Rice & Beans
Fav colour :       Purple & Sky Blue 
Fav Club:           Chelsea 
Offices:              None
Best Quotes:     "how can we not talk
                          about family, when
                              family is all we've got."

Mentor:              My Mum
Likes/Hobby:     Singing &  browsing
Dislikes:             dirty things & places
Write up:             nil

Margaret truly is a beauty....  One time contestant for the prestigious "miss bmt"  beauty pageant..

Our  Face of this week.....

Thursday, 23 July 2015



 (Office of the Registrar)



This is to inform all UTME and Direct Entry (DE) candidates who have applied for admission into the Federal University of Technology (FUT) Minna for the 2014/2015 academic session that the University has scheduled the University Pre-Admission Screening Exercise (UPASE), to hold at the University Main Campus, Gidan  Kwano, Minna, as follows:




Direct Entry

Commencement date for online registration:

00.01hrs on Wednesday 16th July, 2014


Monday 8th September, 2014

Close of online registration:

12.00hrs midnight on Saturday 2nd August, 2014

12.00hrs midnight on

Monday, 22nd September, 2014

Dates of screening exercise:

Tuesday 5th and Wednesday 6th August, 2014

Thursday 25th September, and Friday 26th September, 2014

 Candidates are hereby notified that the screening exercise shall be conducted using the Computer-Based Test (CBT) platform.

 1.         Eligibility

 i) Only UTME and DE candidates who selected FUT Minna are eligible for the screening exercise.

 ii)  UTME Candidates MUST have scored NOT LESS than the indicated minimum scores for various Schools/Courses/Programmes in the 2014 UTME as shown below:





Agriculture and Agricultural Technology

Agricultural Economics and Extension Technology, Animal Production, Crop Production, Food Science Technology, Horticulture, Soil Science, Water Resources, Aquaculture and Fisheries Technology


Engineering and Engineering Technology

Computer Engineering,


Chemical Engineering,

Civil Engineering,  Electrical/Electronics Engineering,  Mechanical Engineering,


Agricultural and Bioresources Engineering

Telecommunication Engineering


Entrepreneurship and Management Technology

Entrepreneurship and Business Studies, Project Management Technology, Transport Management Technology


Environmental Technology



Estate Management

Building Technology, Surveying and Geo-informatics, Urban and Regional Planning, Quantity Surveying


Information and Communication Technology

Computer Science


Cyber Security Science,  Information and Media Technology,


Natural and Applied Sciences

Biochemistry, Microbiology,

Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Geography, Physics, Mathematics/Statistics, Geology


Technology Education

Industrial and Technology Education, Mathematics Education, Physics Education, Geography Education, Biology Education, Chemistry Education, Library Information Technology



iii)       Candidates MUST meet the minimum UTME scores for their chosen course, have the right UTME subject combinations as prescribed in the JAMB Brochure and the requisite ‘O’ Level subjects at credit level.
iv)       However, candidates who do not meet any of the above requirements will be allowed to change to any other course whose requirements are met by the candidates.  The Change of Course will attract a processing fee of N1,000 payable at the screening venue.
v)        All candidates must possess a minimum of five ‘O’ Level credits including Mathematics and English Language at not more than two sittings in subjects relevant to their proposed courses.
vi)       Only ‘O’ Level result print-outs downloaded directly from the website of the national examining bodies (WAEC/NECO/NABTEB) or photocopies of the original certificate(s) will be accepted for verification.  Candidates that already have their ‘O’ Levels MUST bring the result to the screening venue.  Failure to do so will result in disqualification of candidates.
vii)      Candidates awaiting result will be allowed to participate in the UPASE but MUST submit such results not later than Wednesday 15th October, 2014.  For submission of such results, candidates are to go back to their registration page on the University website to update their records.


For the list of relevant subjects for each course/programme, check the homepage of the University website.

 NOTE:   Any false declaration could lead to a candidate’s disqualification at any stage of the admission process.


2.         Method of Registration

UTME Candidates

Click on “2014/2015 UPASE

On the page that appears, click on ‘UPASE-UTME Login’


Enter your JAMB registration numberEnter one of your namesClick on ‘Login’On a page that appears, you are required to upload your recent coloured passport photograph (in JPG format)Choose another course from the list of departments if your UTME score does not meet the minimum required for the course registered with JAMB.

 NOTE:The system automatically detects if you have the required UTME subject combination and the minimum score for the programme selected.

Status of ‘O’ Level results (click on the appropriate box)Click on ‘Proceed to payment gateway’Confirm your entriesClick on the payment page button to proceed to payment gatewayPayment is done through Debit Card (MasterCard - Most preferred) or Verve (only the ones enabled for online payment )Enter ATM Debit card details (Card number, expiry date, CVV 2 i.e the 3 digits behind your card, and pin number)
Note:This automatically debits N2,250.00If payment is successful, the screen will display all the data you previously entered.Keep the printout and take it to the UPASE venue.If payment is successful, the screen will display all the data you previously enteredClick on the ‘Print’ button to print the documentKeep the printout and take it to the UPASE venue

3.      Requirements for the Screening Exercise

All eligible candidates are required to come on the date indicated on their scheduling slip.

Candidates are to report at the Suleiman Kumo Convocation Square at the University Main Campus, Gidan-Kwano along Minna-Bida road with the following:

A printout of the 2014/2015 UTME result slip bearing the candidate’s passport photograph, they should not be affixed.  The title of the course/programme of choice should be boldly written by the candidate on top of the result slip.The printed 2014/2015 University Pre-Admission Screening Exercise (UPASE) scheduling slip.A writing material (biro or pencil)A simple scientific calculator (non-programmable) without cover.

4.         General Information

No candidate will be allowed to participate in the screening exercise without complying with the above requirements.The Main Campus at Gidan Kwano along Minna-Bida road is about 20km away from the Bosso Campus of the University, which is inside Minna town.

Candidates without personal vehicles may board commercial buses at the rate of N50 to N70 at the Bosso Campus of the University.

Candidates are not allowed to bring GSM handsets or similar electronic gadgets into the screening hall.  Such item(s) will be seized and will not be returned to the owners.Impersonation is a serious offence and anyone caught impersonating will be handed over to the law enforcement agents.Any registered candidate who fails to report to the screening exercise on the date and time specified on the print-out automatically loses his or her chance of being screened for admission.Candidates are advised to arrive at the Suleiman Kumo Convocation Square at the Main Campus, Gidan Kwano on the scheduled date for the screening exercise at least one hour prior to the scheduled time on their slips.

All enquires should be directed to the following: or call 08166735822 and 08055188756, 08173230499


Candidates who chose Federal University of Technology, Owerri as choice university in the 2015 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME), are hereby invited to a Screening Exercise, provided the names of such candidates are on the list submitted to the university by JAMB. This means that some candidates, who chose FUTO as choice university, will not be eligible to participate in the screening exercise. The reason is purely and solely because JAMB has not shortlisted such candidates in the list sent to FUTO. Consequently, intending applicants are expected to first login to ascertain their eligibility to participate in 2015/2016 FUTO POST-UTME Screening Exercise, based on the list JAMB sent to FUTO.

Screening Time Table






Petroleum Engineering (PET)

Monday, August 10, 2015


Chemical Engineering (CHE)

Civil Engineering (CIE)

Agricultural Engineering (AGE)


Elect/Elect Engineering (EEE)

Tuesday, August 11, 2015


Mechanical Engineering (MEE)

Materials/Metallurgical Engineering (MME)

Food Science Technology (FST)


School of Physical Sciences (SOPS)

Wednesday, August 12, 2015


Biomedical Technology (BMT)

Optometry (OPT)


School of Management Technology (SMAT)

Thursday, August 13, 2015


Public Health Technology (PHT)

Prosthesis and Orthopedics Technology (POT)


Polymer and Textile Engineering (PTE)

Friday, August 14, 2015


School of Environmental Technology (SOET)

School of Biological Sciences (SOBS)

School of Agric/Agric Technology (SAAT)


Method of Application

[A]       Sign-up

Ø  Log on to

Ø  Click on Sign-up from the login section

Ø  Fill Sign-up form

Ø  Log into your email address to activate your account


[B]       Applications

Ø  Enter your login details to access the portal

Ø  Click on Apply link on the Application Form

Ø  Validate Registration Number by entering your UTME Reg. No in the text box

Ø  Click “Show Result” tab

Ø  Click “Continue”

Ø  Click on “Print Invoice”

Ø  Proceed to the Bank to make payment

Note: Eligible candidates should pay the sum of Two Thousand Naira (N2,000=) only, excluding switch fee at any branch of any of the following banks in the country:

(1)               FUTO Microfinance Bank

(2)               First Bank Nigeria

(3)               Diamond Bank

(4)               UBA

(5)               FCMB

Ø  Re-visit the Apply Portal

Ø  Login with your account details

Ø  Click Resume button on “My Saved Applications”

Ø  Fill the Biodata Form

Ø  Upload your passport photograph (photo size should not be more than 64kb in jpeg or gif format). Ensure you upload your true and recent photograph, since the university would make subsequent use of the photograph for successful candidates without the opportunity of changing it until after matriculation.

Ø  Supply your O’Level result details

Ø  Submit and Print Application Form


[C]       Edit Application (Saved Application Form)

Ø  Enter your login details to access the

Ø  Click on “Resume” under “My Saved Applications” to edit


[D]       Edit Application (Submitted Application Form)

Ø  Enter your login details to access the

Ø  Click on “Preview” under “My Saved Applications” to edit

The Screening Exercise

Ø  The 2015/2016 FUTO POST-UTME Screening Exercise shall be conducted using Computer Based Testing (CBT)

Ø  The venue for the exercise is ICT Centre, FUTO, Owerri

Ø  Specific date and time for screening are as specified on candidate’s PUTME Online Slip

Ø  Any candidate who is one (1) hour late would not be allowed to participate in the screening exercise.

Ø  GSM phones, Calculators and other electronic devices are not allowed into the venue.

Ø  Candidates for screening should come with the following

·         UTME Result Slip

·         PUTME Online Slip

·    E-Tranzact or evidence of Payment Slip used for online   application

Closing Date for Online Application

The application portal will close for 2015/2016 FUTO POST-UTME Screening Exercise applications by midnight of Friday, August 07, 2015



The finals of the biggest sporting event in Futo,  the VC's cup holds on Thursday  the 30th of july 2015 at the Futo Main pitch. 

The final fixture is between the  Department of Environmental Technology(EVT)  and the Department of Metallurgical and Material Engineering (MME ). 

Sadly enough our BMT boys crashed out in the quater finals after losing 0:1 against the final contenders EVT. 
This is the second time in a row that EVT department is reaching the finals.  They were robbed off the cup by EEE boys last year and they vow to win it this time. 

Well we wish any of the teams luck,  may the best team win....  By the way,  BMT no reach final so i no get supporter...

Source: Ngobili Victor (Rovaldo) 
              BMT 100l


Wednesday, 22 July 2015


Candidates who chose Federal University of Technology, Owerri as choice university in the 2015 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME), are hereby invited to a Screening Exercise, provided the names of such candidates are on the list submitted to the university by JAMB. This means that some candidates, who chose FUTO as choice university, will not be eligible to participate in the screening exercise. The reason is purely and solely because JAMB has not shortlisted such candidates in the list sent to FUTO. Consequently, intending applicants are expected to first login to ascertain their eligibility to participate in 2015/2016 FUTO POST-UTME Screening Exercise, based on the list JAMB sent to FUTO.

Screening Time Table






Petroleum Engineering (PET)

Monday, August 10, 2015


Chemical Engineering (CHE)

Civil Engineering (CIE)

Agricultural Engineering (AGE)


Elect/Elect Engineering (EEE)

Tuesday, August 11, 2015


Mechanical Engineering (MEE)

Materials/Metallurgical Engineering (MME)

Food Science Technology (FST)


School of Physical Sciences (SOPS)

Wednesday, August 12, 2015


Biomedical Technology (BMT)

Optometry (OPT)


School of Management Technology (SMAT)

Thursday, August 13, 2015


Public Health Technology (PHT)

Prosthesis and Orthopedics Technology (POT)


Polymer and Textile Engineering (PTE)

Friday, August 14, 2015


School of Environmental Technology (SOET)

School of Biological Sciences (SOBS)

School of Agric/Agric Technology (SAAT)


Method of Application

[A]       Sign-up

Ø  Log on to

Ø  Click on Sign-up from the login section

Ø  Fill Sign-up form

Ø  Log into your email address to activate your account


[B]       Applications

Ø  Enter your login details to access the portal

Ø  Click on Apply link on the Application Form

Ø  Validate Registration Number by entering your UTME Reg. No in the text box

Ø  Click “Show Result” tab

Ø  Click “Continue”

Ø  Click on “Print Invoice”

Ø  Proceed to the Bank to make payment

Note: Eligible candidates should pay the sum of Two Thousand Naira (N2,000=) only, excluding switch fee at any branch of any of the following banks in the country:

(1)               FUTO Microfinance Bank

(2)               First Bank Nigeria

(3)               Diamond Bank

(4)               UBA

(5)               FCMB

Ø  Re-visit the Apply Portal

Ø  Login with your account details

Ø  Click Resume button on “My Saved Applications”

Ø  Fill the Biodata Form

Ø  Upload your passport photograph (photo size should not be more than 64kb in jpeg or gif format). Ensure you upload your true and recent photograph, since the university would make subsequent use of the photograph for successful candidates without the opportunity of changing it until after matriculation.

Ø  Supply your O’Level result details

Ø  Submit and Print Application Form


[C]       Edit Application (Saved Application Form)

Ø  Enter your login details to access the

Ø  Click on “Resume” under “My Saved Applications” to edit


[D]       Edit Application (Submitted Application Form)

Ø  Enter your login details to access the

Ø  Click on “Preview” under “My Saved Applications” to edit

The Screening Exercise

Ø  The 2015/2016 FUTO POST-UTME Screening Exercise shall be conducted using Computer Based Testing (CBT)

Ø  The venue for the exercise is ICT Centre, FUTO, Owerri

Ø  Specific date and time for screening are as specified on candidate’s PUTME Online Slip

Ø  Any candidate who is one (1) hour late would not be allowed to participate in the screening exercise.

Ø  GSM phones, Calculators and other electronic devices are not allowed into the venue.

Ø  Candidates for screening should come with the following

·         UTME Result Slip

·         PUTME Online Slip

·    E-Tranzact or evidence of Payment Slip used for online   application

Closing Date for Online Application

The application portal will close for 2015/2016 FUTO POST-UTME Screening Exercise applications by midnight of Friday, August 07, 2015



Candidates who chose Federal University of Technology, Owerri as choice university in the 2015 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME), are hereby invited to a Screening Exercise, provided the names of such candidates are on the list submitted to the university by JAMB. This means that some candidates, who chose FUTO as choice university, will not be eligible to participate in the screening exercise. The reason is purely and solely because JAMB has not shortlisted such candidates in the list sent to FUTO. Consequently, intending applicants are expected to first login to to ascertain their eligibility to participate in 2015/2016 FUTO POST-UTME Screening Exercise, based on the list JAMB sent to FUTO

The Screening Exercise

v    The 2015/2016 FUTO POST-UTME Screening Exercise shall be conducted using Computer Based Testing (CBT)

v    The venue for the exercise is ICT Centre, FUTO, Owerri

v    Specific date and time for screening are as specified on candidate’s PUTME Online Slip

v    Any candidate who is one (1) hour late would not be allowed to participate in the screening exercise.

v    GSM phones, Calculators and other electronic devices are not allowed into the venue.

v    Candidates for screening should come with the following

Ø  UTME Result Slip

Ø  PUTME Online Slip

Ø  E-Tranzact or evidence of Payment Slip used for online application

Closing Date for Online Application

The application portal will close for 2015/2016 FUTO POST-UTME Screening Exercise applications by midnight of Friday, August 07, 2015

Read more :

Monday, 20 July 2015


This is to inform all candidates who obtained a score of 150 and above in the 2015/2016 UTME Examination conducted by JAMB and chose Federal Polytechnic Nekede as their first or second choice institution that the Post UTME Screening test will be conducted as follows:

1. | Monday, 24th August |
>>* Science Laboratory Technology (SLT)

2. Tuesday, 25th August |
>>. * Accountancy (AC)
>>. * Business Administration & Management (BAM)
>>. * Banking & Finance (BF)
>>. * Cooperative Economics & Management (CEM)

3 Wednesday, 26th August |
>>. * Mass Communication (MC)
>>. * Library & Information Science (LIS)
>>. * Purchasing & Supply (PS)
>>. * Marketing (MK)
>>. * Public Administration (PA)
>>. * Office Technology & Management (OTM)

4. Thursday, 27th August | Computer Science (CS)
>>. * Fisheries Technology (FIT)
>>. * Food Technology (FT)
>>. * Architecture (AR)
>>. * Quantity Surveying (QS)
>>. * Urban & Regional Planning (URP)
>>. * Surveying & Geo-informatics (SUG)
>>. * Estate Management (EM)
>>. * Building Technology (BT)
>>. * Statistics (STA)
>>. * Arts & Design (ARD)

5 Friday, 28th August |
>>. * Agric Engineering (AE)
>>. * Chemical Engineering (CHE)
>>. * Civil Engineering (CE)
>>. * Computer Engineering (CTE)
>>. * Electrical & Electronic Engineering (EE)
>>. * Mechanical Engineering (ME)

6. Saturday, 29th August
>>. * Agric Technology (AT)
>>. * Taxation (TXT)
>>. * Pharmaceutical Technology (PMT)
>>. * Dispensing Optometry (DOP)
>>. * Mechatronics Engineering (MTE)
>>. * Hospitality Management (HMT)

You are advised to come with your Original JAMB result Slip with your passport photograph on it. If you do not have this document,click here to get yours

Method Of Application
To apply Candidates should visit the registration portal:

Generate an invoice. This should be taken to any of the designated banks where you would pay the exact amount on the invoice.

If you have generated your invoice and have made payment at the bank and have obtained an eTranzact Confirmation Order Number, Click this link: to proceed. 

MEET AKA SAMMY; De sOcial Smockizzy... DOSocials aspirant and rapper

De Social Smockizzy as we all know him is one of the strong aspirants for the post of the DOSocials in Futo.  He is unarguably the most handsome amongst other aspirants and is full of visions for Futo Socials,. A student of Urban and Regional Planing department (URP)  Futo.

Having numerous connections to the music industry and being a Friend of the prestigious producer unlimited L. A,  AKA SAMMY may be seen as the most qualified man for the post.

Smockizzy, has won several awards amongst which he won an award of "fast growing performing artiste"  in Johannesburg, South Africa.

In another earlier post of mine,  Smockizzy was seen recently chatting with the Nigerian music Diva EmmaNyra.

Below is a picture of Smockizzy in a music video shoot@ Lagos Nigeria

Having a slogan of  " redevelopment of Futo Social Community",  Smockizzy has already started moving people to the outside world and discovering new talents in FUTO.
Proof of this is his recently organised "Dance Off Stage"  that encompassed dance battles and rap battles, comedy competition and lots more.

AKA SAMMY aka Smockizzy is definitely the right person to put in place on that seat to continue from where Aluta Slopy's wonderful administration started.

His jingle  #De_social_smockizzy  is out and is a hit..  Featuring 
Diasum,  Jerry4oxide (futo female rapper) , Krystal(Futo fastest rapper),  Jay Chris (gtbank's best rapper),  jessie Gibbs.... 

This is the only jingle that has a female in it.  This Is to show his will to bridge up d social gap between d males and females in Futo...

Quoting from his song "even vc my father, asiabaka knows,  Aluta Smockizzy z d man for the post",  it is left for us to do d right thing and vote d right man...



A lodge was robbed clean at Eziobodo two nights ago. At about the same time hostel C was robbed last night. Series of cell phones and laptops were taken as the gunmen *just two o'them* fired shots in the air to scare the hostel girls who were alleged to have been charging their electronic gadgets outside where an election candidate had improvised a means of power due to the absence of electric power in the hostel for three days.
It was reported that they had broken in through the side gate at first and robbed the in-house provision shop. The young girl selling said she was slapped repeatedly and all the money with her taken. They took a lot loaves of bread also, according to her.
They went back outside and started to shoot.
Students scampered for safety while trying to equally pick up their cell phones. A girl was shot at the waist and was rushed to the sch. medic.
An eye witness confirmed that a girl in room 318 was called on the phone and asked to come and take her stuff if any was plugged outside.
A victim of the robbery reported that she sighted her phone and ran to take it without thinking as one of the gunmen faced her and released a bullet on her forehead. At the moment, her leg slipped as she stepped on a phone thereby reducing her height and the bullet went past her head to the mirror behind which was shattered immediately.
Not until the military unit and Man O'War personnel stepped in did the robbers run with the gana-must-go bags full of stolen goods.
Girls became angry and banned passage of boys and men, including bike. They even went ahead to shout to any girl they see with a boy to leave him that he'd rob her. They were so convinced that it was one of the boys that come around there that attacked them. Girls were grateful for the 24-hour curfew placed on the hostel. 'Otherwise, we're finished' said one of them.


The death has been announced of Miss Udeze Patricia, a final year student of Microbiology department. Patricia before her death was diagnosed of Cancer of the liver.

She died this morning, 20th July 2015

This is the second time a student will be dying this semester. Don't know what is happening in Futo...  We pray that God helps us....

May her soul rest in peace.... Amen


Good morning my dear students and BMTITES. What is Futo turning into, barely in two weeks now,two robbery attacks have been recorded in hostel,last week,some Sug executive aspirants like Ezenwa Obinna(Prestigious Vision),Owelle Smart and lots more were robbed b all in their possession collected.

 Now (Information Management Technology)  IMT's  Hod Dr Mrs.Eze was KIDNAPPED last night.  It was gathered from a source that Mrs. Eze was driving somewhere when she was Kidnapped by these men.. Or boyz....  The school and her family are making arrangements for her rescue and attempts are being made to contact the kidnappers.

Pls my dear brothers and sisters as we go about our daily activities, let us try to avoid keeping late nights and also let us try and make sure we entrust each day in God's hands.As the management and security look into this ugly predicament, let us try on our own to be security conscious.

Saturday, 18 July 2015


Rt. Hon. Matthew Royal Obinna Remains the Speaker of the Students’ paliarment.
Findings by the Infoscope-FUTO have revealed that the attempted impeachment of the speaker of the students’ representative council Rt. Hon. Matthew Royal Obinna was not successful; hence he still retains the office.
This is contrary to earlier reports that the speaker was impeached at the last sitting of the House of Credibility, Students' Representative Council of the 16th Assembly.
According to scoop gathered from the Speaker himself, the sitting turned chaotic after men of the Man O’ War barged into the hall and disrupted the activities. This according to our source is not unconnected to the constitution that was just reviewed by the house.
In the reviewed constitution, the President of the Students Union Government will become the GRAND COMMANDER OF ALL STUDENT SECURITY (GCSS) hence placing the Man O’ War commandant under the office of the President.
This is a far cry from what is obtainable now where the C-in-C of the Man O’ war exercises unrestricted authority which most times lead to impunity.
Recall that there have been cases in the past where members of the SUG executives were beaten up by officials of the Man O’ War and nothing happened.
Bmtfuto will continue to carry out its obligations religiously by providing up-to-date and authentic information at all time to all FUTO students


Our boys made us proud after trashing Transport Management Technology (TMT)  2 goals to 0 in the ongoing VC's cup.
This victory cane after a much deserved win over department of industrial physics (IPH)  on a goal aggregate of 2:1.  
Much kudos to the director of sports comr. 042 as he is popular known..



The men of the underworld have struck again, this time around it was the almighty HALL C(Cute ladies) that was their target. It was gathered that there was a robbery attack this evening  18th July,  in front of HALL C. As students were busy charging their phones, laptops and other gadgets in front of the hostel, unknown men came and shot some bullets in the air, this made everybody to run for his or her dare life. The robbers were too fast with their actions that even the paramilitary could not stop them. The robbers quickly made away with all the gadgets as if it was their birthright. Rumours has it that a girl was shot in the leg while She struggled with the robbers.

Meanwhile, as the operation was happening in hall C, some malevolent students who never cease to use any opportunity before them quickly made away with the phones and laptops abandoned by innocent students at MARACANA while running for their life. 
What a world!
More updates to come.

SUG contestant for the DOSocials; De Social Smockizzy, and Naija music Diva EmmaNyra in to something fishy?

The lady of water and American based Nigerian songstress Emma nyra on early morning intagram chat referred to Nigerian based emerging Rap hiphop sensation Smockizzy aka 9jaz Rap Messiah as her love and furthermore through the short chat they made it known they are birthday Mates... #july18... 
 D: is something cooking??? mmmmm... view pic below


 Nigerian students held a demonstration on the 13th july due to d alarming power failure in the hostel... Occupants of hostel B came out in anger and rioted angrily as they couldn't contain their anger anymore.  To further show their anger,  the SUG president,  Comr Onochie David Edozie (ODE)  was chased away angrily by the hostel boys who were on bike...  The situation is quite alarming and we hope that the SUG and school authority would do something about it.. 

Thursday, 9 July 2015

"POST UTME NEWS FAKE" says ICT director

The director of the FUTO ICT section has made an announcement advising aspiring students of FUTO to avoid fake post utme adverts. The announcement contained the following:

The attention of the Management of FUTO has been drawn to fake adverts on purported commencement of sale of application forms for FUTO 2015/2016 Post UME.  The Management wishes to use this avenue to distant itself from such adverts.

For avoidance of doubts, the Management wishes to state categorically, that the sale of FUTO 2015/2016 post UTME application forms has not yet commenced.  We shall duly inform the general public, via our official website and relevant mass media, the time and details for the commencement of sale of application forms for our 2015/2016 post UTME exercise.

The general public is hereby advised to be properly guided.

Signed: FUTO ICT, Director

Once again, when the forms for registration is ready for sale, everyone would talk about it (especially here) and you would definitely get to know.


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*Male student dies on top of girl*

The occupants of F-identity lodge umuchima and the whole futo environment was thrown into pandemonium as a male student died while sleeping with a girl.

A source disclosed that the alleged student was already done with school and came for his clearance.

It was gathered that he stayed with his female friend and was rushed to the school's medical unit when displayed some unusual signs.

He was confirmed dead at the time he was brought to the futo medicals.

Question now remains if the news is true and if true where that guy dey go? 


Infoscope Awards 2015: Official List of Nominees
The list of Nominees for the 3rd edition of The Infoscope-FUTO Awards have just been announced.

The Infoscope Awards is an attempt by The-Infoscope-FUTO to recognize and award outstanding FUTO students and institutions. This year, the award was expanded to accommodate so many other categories. If you think you can help us make this award better then shoot us a mail at We will be willing to discuss with you.

Voting begins today 24th of June and ends on 13th of July 2015

See the full list of Nominees below.

Best Female Artiste
Dazzy Spark 200L
Naz B
Delight Munachi.

Best Male Artiste

Most Outstanding Entrepreneur of the Year (Male)
Kizito Ugbajah
Ajah Excel Anayo
Fred Eze

Most Outstanding Entrepreneur of the Year (Female)
Nwoha Tessy
Umeugoji Ifeoma
Innocencia Oparaku
Ogbarakwe Jennifer

Most Outstanding Students Union Executive
Comr. Onochie David Edochie – President
Comr. Eva Osita-- PRO
Comr. Nnajiofor Lefty Fabian – Director of Socials
Comr. Austin N. Chima - Director of Welfare

Most Outstanding Legislator (MSRC)
Rt. Hon. Matthew Royal Obinna (Speaker)
Hon Barr Rotr. Nwosu Bright (EVT)
Hon Ajogwu Felix (Hon BDT)
Hon. Umejiaku Temple ---IMT
Hon. Emmanuel UkanwokeAGE
Charismatic Leader (Male)
Nwaigwe Chidozie Prodigy
Owuamalam Clement
Onochie David
Eleribe Chidiadi
Iheanachor Mcfabian
Charismatic Leader (Female)
Chiamaka Ezekwesili
Eziokwu Tochi
Chukwu purity
Most Outstanding compere/MC
Iwuagwu Kelechi Vincent
Ihuka Victor
Comr. Osita Eva
Nas B
Mc Odoms
Most Outstanding Social Media Personality
Uwakwe Martin Mundus
Evangelist Anointed Charles
Iwuagwu Kelechi Pragmatic
Ihuka Victor
Most Popular
Onochie David Edochie
Ajah Excel
Ugbajah Kizito
Obal Samuel
Nnajiofor Fabian Lefty

Socialite of the Year (Male)
Olom Sunday
Okoroafor Joseph (The Press man)
Desmond Ofoegbu

Sport Person of the Year
Nnajiofor fabian lefty

Most Outstanding Blog of the year

Most Outstanding Photographer of the year
Deezey Media

Most Outstanding Students Organization of the year
Coalition National
Enactus FUTO
Rotary Club
FGC Okigwe Old Students Association

Most Outstanding Fellowship of the Year

Most Outstanding Bukar of the Year
Cafe A
Madam G
Taste and See

Most Outstanding Business Center of the Year
BJ services
Excel’s Place
Treasure Links
OBZ Ventures
Treasure Links

Ten Most Influential Students
Comr. Ndubuaku David
Comr. Obal Samuel 
Hon. Nkuma Kelvin
Hon. Eze Edwin
Comr. Nwaigwe Chidozie Prodigy
Comr. Okenwa Michael
Comr. Eleribe Chidiadi
Hon Barr. Anyanasoh Promise.
Comr. Chimezie Wisdom
Comr. Nnebue Goodluck
Comr. Ijezie Alex
Comr. Ukachukwu Kingsley
Comr. Eziokwu Tochi
Comr. Onwa Franklin
Comr. Ozekhome Portia,
Comr. Ihenachor Mcfabian
Comr. Nwohiri Innocent C
Hon. Barr. Comr. Obimba Stanley
Comr. Nwachukwu Uzoma
Comr. Nwankwo Ethelbert
Comr. Kelechi Success
Comr. Ikedinma Diamond
Comr. Nwokeke Chima
Comr. Ozumba Miracle
Comr. Offor Collins,
Comr. Fidelis Amaechi,
Comr. Ijeoma Chinonso,
Comr. O Johnson,


 the 8th of july 2015 was a dramatic day for the Members of the legislative arm of the students union.

The 6th ordinary sitting of the S.R.C had a bill of 22million for the functionality of the SUG executives passed.

There were counter motions and interruption of the sitting by the Man O War.

The straw that broke the Carmel's back was when the honorable representing F.M.T constituency moved a motion for the impromptu impeachment of the speaker of the house with 2/3 of the signatures of the members of the house of credibility.

The chief whip asked the speaker to move out of the chamber and a great commotion erupted in the house.

After several minutes the deputy speaker now passed the motion for the impeachment of the speaker as agreed by the honorable members.

Credit: The Infoscope Futo


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An accreditation team from NUC visited futo last week for accreditation of departments and courses.  The HOD of the Department welcomed the accreditation team and showed them around the library,  departmental ict and lecture halls.  The accreditation team was also received by the president of NABTES,  Comr.  Chioma Onyeugo.   The accreditation team looked pleased as the Department was looking all clean and squeaky.... .. 

MCB failed their accreditation this year again as public health technology PHT passed the accreditation and is now PUH "department of public health" .  
SOSC "school of science",  has been divided into two ; "school of physical sciences" and "school of biological sciences". 

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