Monday, 25 January 2016


They were elected last year 2015 and have since resumed work as executives of our reputable department..
The new executives been led by Comrade Rotr Onyeugo Chioma has already broken grounds by being the pioneer excos to launch the first ever yearbook for graduating students and also organised a well packaged send forth party  for the graduands giving them a great feel of love..

With promises of doing more for the betterment of the department, The Excos have pledge to work hard sacrificing their time and effort to ensure that they carry out their duties effectively

The Excos also wish to welcome all new 2015/2016 admitted students to the department and urge everyone to work with them to ensure effective dissemination of their duties

Meet Below The elegant 2015/2016 Excos

The President
Comr Rotr Onyeugo Chioma

The Vice President
Comr Nwoke maryann ukachi

The Secretary General
Comr Iwundu Christopher
A.k.a The Equator

The Ass Secretary General
Comr Clara Martins

The Financial Secretary
Comr Mbanefo Chibuike
A.k.a The Bishop

The Treasurer
Comr Ugwueke Esther Chiadikaobi

The Director of Welfare
Comr Nwogu Chinelo Esther

The Director of Socials
Comr Okebata Franklin
A.k.a Mc Shaks

The Director of Research
Comr Nwakile Tochukwu

The Director of Sports
Comr Ozonkem Nnaemeka Samuel
A.k.a 042

The Public Relations Officer (PRO)
Comr Otuneme Tobechukwu Praise
A.k.a Mc_toothpick_fcfr

Comr Onwuka Moses
A.k.a Mosco

The MSRC of BMT constituency
Hon Nobl Comr Orazulume Paschal C

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